STM32 SPI Library for APA102 RGB LED
Please read Liability Disclaimer and License Agreement CAREFULLY
This library is adapted for a APA102 LED strip with 30 LEDs.
Read this article to have a better understanding Ambient light with APA102 and MQTT
#ifndef __APA102_H
#define __APA102_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <stdint.h>
#define LED_INIT 0xE0
#define LED_GLOBAL 0x1F
#define LED_COUNT 143 //Number of LEDs in strip
#define FirstThird 48 //LED end position of first third of the strip
#define SecondThird 95 //LED end position of second third of the strip
#define FRAME_SIZE 4*LED_COUNT //Number of LEDs in strip
#define START_FRAME_SIZE 4 //0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
#define END_FRAME_SIZE (LED_COUNT + 15)/16 //
#define TIME_OUT 1000
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846
// Define a macro for the maximum of two values
#define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
// Because we have 4 bytes for start frame we need to offset
#define getPosition(pos) (4*(pos + 1))
extern volatile uint8_t effectDone;
void APA_init(void);
void APA_setColor(uint16_t led, uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue);
void APA_setColorBright(uint16_t led, uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue, uint8_t bright);
void APA_setAllColor(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue);
void APA_setRGB(uint16_t led, uint32_t rgb, uint8_t bright);
void APA_setAllRGB(uint32_t rgb, uint8_t bright);
void APA_setllumination(uint8_t intensity);
void APA_setLedIllumination(uint16_t led, uint8_t intensity);
void APA_setAllBrightness(uint8_t intensity);
void APA_setLedOff(uint16_t led);
void APA_setLedOn(uint16_t led);
void APA_update(uint8_t crtLED_Strip);
void APA_AllOff();
//Light effects functions
void FluidRainbowCycle(uint16_t duration_ms);
void SnowEffect(uint16_t duration_ms);
void PulseEffect(uint16_t duration_ms);
void FlashingEffect(uint16_t duration_ms);
void FadingEffect(uint16_t duration_ms);
void ColorWipe(uint16_t duration_ms);
void TheaterChase(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue, uint16_t duration_ms);
void BreathEffect(uint16_t duration_ms);
void WaveEffect(uint16_t duration_ms);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /*__ APA102_H */
The APA102.c
The SPI is using only the clock and data lines
#include "APA102.h"
#include "spi.h"
#include "usart.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <math.h>
static uint8_t SpiSendFrame[BUFFER_SIZE];
volatile uint8_t effectDone = 1;
uint8_t prevEffect = 0;
// Set up the buffer for the strip
void APA_init(void) {
uint16_t position;
// Set the value for brightness
memset(SpiSendFrame, LED_INIT, BUFFER_SIZE);
// Add the start frame
memset(SpiSendFrame, 0x00, START_FRAME_SIZE);
// Add the end frame
memset(&SpiSendFrame[END_POSITION], 0xFF, END_FRAME_SIZE);
//Set RGB color of a specified LED
void APA_setColor(uint16_t led, uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue){
uint16_t pos = 1 + getPosition(led);
SpiSendFrame[pos] = blue;
SpiSendFrame[pos + 1] = green;
SpiSendFrame[pos + 2] = red;
//Set RGB color and Brightness of a specified LED
void APA_setColorBright(uint16_t led, uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue, uint8_t bright){
uint16_t pos = getPosition(led);
SpiSendFrame[pos] = LED_INIT | bright;
SpiSendFrame[pos + 1] = blue;
SpiSendFrame[pos + 2] = green;
SpiSendFrame[pos + 3] = red;
//Set RGB color all LEDs
void APA_setAllColor(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue){
for (uint16_t led = 0; led < LED_COUNT; led++) {
APA_setColor(led, red, green, blue);
//Set RGB color of a specified LED in 24 bit format
void APA_setRGB(uint16_t led, uint32_t rgb, uint8_t bright) {
uint16_t pos = getPosition(led);
SpiSendFrame[pos] = LED_INIT | bright;
SpiSendFrame[pos + 3] = (uint8_t)(rgb);
SpiSendFrame[pos + 2] = (uint8_t)(rgb >> 8);
SpiSendFrame[pos + 1] = (uint8_t)(rgb >> 16);
//Set RGB color of all LEDs in 24 bit format
void APA_setAllRGB(uint32_t rgb, uint8_t bright){
for (uint16_t led = 0; led < LED_COUNT; led++) {
APA_setRGB(led, rgb, bright);
//Set brightness of a specified LED
void APA_setLedBrightness(uint16_t led, uint8_t bright) {
SpiSendFrame[getPosition(led)] = LED_INIT | bright;
//Set brightness for all LEDs
void APA_setAllBrightness(uint8_t intensity) {
for (uint8_t led = 0; led < LED_COUNT; led++) {
APA_setLedBrightness(led, intensity);
//Turn On a specified LED
void APA_setLedOff(uint16_t led) {
SpiSendFrame[getPosition(led)] = LED_INIT;
//Turn Off a specified LED
void APA_setLedOn(uint16_t led) {
SpiSendFrame[getPosition(led)] = LED_GLOBAL;
//Turns Off both strips
void APA_AllOff(){
APA_setAllColor(0, 0, 0);
//Send the buffer data to LED strip on SPI1 or 2
void APA_update(uint8_t crtLED_Strip) {
SPI_HandleTypeDef crtSPI;
if(crtLED_Strip) {
crtSPI = hspi1;
} else {
crtSPI = hspi2;
// send spi frame with all led values
HAL_SPI_Transmit(&crtSPI, (uint8_t *)&SpiSendFrame, BUFFER_SIZE, TIME_OUT);
//Check if we got new data from MQTT
static uint8_t checkForUpdates(){
if(prevEffect != frame_MQTT[Effect]){
prevEffect = frame_MQTT[Effect];
if (ESP_Ready) {
if(!frame_MQTT[Power]) {
effectDone = 1;
return 1;
return 0;
//Get a color from color wheel
static uint8_t* ColorWheel(uint8_t WheelPos) {
static uint8_t c[3];
WheelPos = 255 - WheelPos;
if (WheelPos < 85) {
c[0] = 255 - WheelPos * 3;
c[1] = 0;
c[2] = WheelPos * 3;
else if (WheelPos < 170) {
WheelPos -= 85;
c[0] = 0;
c[1] = WheelPos * 3;
c[2] = 255 - WheelPos * 3;
} else {
WheelPos -= 170;
c[0] = WheelPos * 3;
c[1] = 255 - WheelPos * 3;
c[2] = 0;
return c;
void FluidRainbowCycle(uint16_t duration_ms) {
uint16_t steps = duration_ms / 10; // Assuming a step every 10 ms
uint8_t segment_size = LED_COUNT / 7;
for (uint16_t step = 0; step < steps; ++step) {
if (checkForUpdates()) {
// Iterate over each segment
for (uint8_t segment = 0; segment < 7; ++segment) {
// Calculate the color for the current segment
uint8_t gradient = (step * 256 / steps + segment * 30) % 256;
uint8_t *color = ColorWheel(gradient);
// Shift the segment along the strip
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < segment_size; ++i) {
uint16_t index = segment * segment_size + i;
// Calculate the shifted index
uint16_t shiftedIndex = (index + step) % LED_COUNT;
APA_setColor(shiftedIndex, color[0], color[1], color[2]);
// Update both segments
// Introduce a slight delay to control the speed of the effect
effectDone = 1;
// Adjust the divisor in the if (rand() % 10 == 0) statement to control the density of the snowflakes.
// A smaller divisor will result in a denser snowfall.
void SnowEffect(uint16_t duration_ms) {
uint16_t pixel;
APA_setAllColor(255, 255, 255);
pixel = rand() % 144;
APA_setLedBrightness(pixel, 31);
APA_setLedBrightness(pixel, 0);
pixel = rand() % 144;
APA_setLedBrightness(pixel, 31);
APA_setLedBrightness(pixel, 0);
effectDone = 1;
void PulseEffect(uint16_t duration_ms) {
uint16_t steps = duration_ms / 10; // Assuming a step every 10 ms
uint8_t maxBrightness = 255;
for (uint16_t step = 0; step < steps; ++step) {
if (checkForUpdates()) {
// Calculate brightness based on a sine function to create a pulsating effect
uint8_t brightness = maxBrightness * sin(step * PI / steps);
// Set color for the left side of the strip
APA_setAllColor((brightness * frame_MQTT[LeftRed]) / maxBrightness, (brightness * frame_MQTT[LeftGreen]) / maxBrightness, (brightness * frame_MQTT[LeftBlue]) / maxBrightness);
// Set color for the right side of the strip
APA_setAllColor((brightness * frame_MQTT[RightRed]) / maxBrightness, (brightness * frame_MQTT[RightGreen]) / maxBrightness, (brightness * frame_MQTT[RightBlue]) / maxBrightness);
effectDone = 1;
void FlashingEffect(uint16_t duration_ms) {
uint16_t steps = duration_ms / 10; // Assuming a step every 10 ms
for (uint16_t step = 0; step < steps && frame_MQTT[Power]; ++step) {
if(checkForUpdates()) {
if (step % 2 == 0) {
APA_setAllColor(frame_MQTT[LeftRed], frame_MQTT[LeftGreen], frame_MQTT[LeftBlue]);
} else {
APA_setAllColor(0, 0, 0);
if (step % 2 == 0) {
APA_setAllColor(frame_MQTT[RightRed], frame_MQTT[RightGreen], frame_MQTT[RightBlue]);
} else {
APA_setAllColor(0, 0, 0);
effectDone = 1;
// Function to create a fading effect
void FadingEffect(uint16_t duration_ms) {
uint16_t steps = duration_ms / 25; // Assuming a step every 10 ms
for (uint16_t step = 0; step < steps && frame_MQTT[Power]; ++step) {
if (checkForUpdates()) {
// Calculate the current color based on the step
uint8_t gradient = (step * 256 / steps) % 256;
uint8_t *color = ColorWheel(gradient);
// Set the calculated color with fading effect for each LED in the strip
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < LED_COUNT; ++i) {
// Calculate the fading effect based on the current step
uint8_t fadingFactor = (steps - step) * 31 / steps;
// Apply fading to each channel
uint8_t fadedRed = (color[0] * fadingFactor) / 31;
uint8_t fadedGreen = (color[1] * fadingFactor) / 31;
uint8_t fadedBlue = (color[2] * fadingFactor) / 31;
APA_setColor(i, fadedRed, fadedGreen, fadedBlue);
// Update both segments
effectDone = 1;
// Function to create a color wipe effect with changing brightness
void ColorWipe(uint16_t duration_ms) {
const uint16_t steps = duration_ms / 10;
for (uint16_t step = 0; step < steps; ++step) {
if (checkForUpdates()) {
// Calculate the color based on a smooth gradient for the rainbow effect
uint8_t gradient = (step * 256 / steps) % 256;
uint8_t *color = ColorWheel(gradient);
// Set the color for each LED in the strip
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < LED_COUNT; ++i) {
// Calculate the brightness based on a sine wave
float brightness = fabs(sin((float)step / (steps / 2) * PI));
// Scale brightness to a range from 0 to 31
uint8_t scaledBrightness = (uint8_t)(brightness * 31);
// Set the color and brightness for each LED
APA_setColorBright(i, color[0], color[1], color[2], scaledBrightness);
// Update the LED strip for both segments
// Introduce a slight delay to control the speed of the effect
effectDone = 1;
void TheaterChase(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue, uint16_t duration_ms) {
uint16_t steps = duration_ms / (10 * 3); // Adjusted the total steps for a smoother effect
uint8_t gapSize = 3;
for (uint16_t j = 0; j < 10; ++j) {
for (uint16_t q = 0; q < gapSize; ++q) {
if (checkForUpdates()) {
// Set color for every third LED in a smooth gradient
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < LED_COUNT; i += 3 + gapSize) {
// Calculate the intermediate color for the wipe effect
uint8_t stepRed = (red * (i + q + 1)) / LED_COUNT;
uint8_t stepGreen = (green * (i + q + 1)) / LED_COUNT;
uint8_t stepBlue = (blue * (i + q + 1)) / LED_COUNT;
APA_setColor(i + q, stepRed, stepGreen, stepBlue);
// Update both segments
// Turn off every third LED
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < LED_COUNT; i += 3 + gapSize) {
APA_setColor(i + q, 0, 0, 0);
effectDone = 1;
// Function to create a breathing effect on an APA102 LED strip
void BreathEffect(uint16_t duration_ms) {
const uint16_t steps = duration_ms / 10;
const uint16_t halfSteps = steps / 2;
for (uint16_t step = 0; step < steps; ++step) {
if (checkForUpdates()) {
// Calculate the brightness based on a sine wave
float brightness = sin((float)step / halfSteps * PI);
// Iterate over each LED in the strip
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < LED_COUNT; ++i) {
// Calculate the distance from the center
float distanceFromCenter = abs(LED_COUNT / 2 - i);
// Scale brightness based on the distance from the center
uint8_t scaledBrightness = (uint8_t)(brightness * (1 - distanceFromCenter / (LED_COUNT / 2)) * 31);
// Set the color and brightness for each LED
APA_setColorBright(i, frame_MQTT[LeftRed], frame_MQTT[LeftGreen], frame_MQTT[LeftBlue], scaledBrightness);
// Update the LED strip for both segments
// Introduce a slight delay to control the speed of the effect
effectDone = 1;
// Function to create a wave effect on an APA102 LED strip
void WaveEffect(uint16_t duration_ms) {
const uint16_t steps = duration_ms / 10;
const uint8_t segment_size = LED_COUNT / 2;
for (uint16_t step = 0; step < steps; ++step) {
if (checkForUpdates()) {
// Calculate the position of the wave peak based on the step
float position = sin((float)step / steps * 2 * PI) * segment_size + segment_size;
// Iterate over each LED in the strip
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < LED_COUNT; ++i) {
// Calculate the distance from the wave position
float distanceFromWave = fabs(position - i);
// Scale brightness based on the distance from the wave
uint8_t brightness = (uint8_t)(31 * (1 - distanceFromWave / segment_size));
// Set the color and brightness for each LED
APA_setColorBright(i, frame_MQTT[LeftRed], frame_MQTT[LeftGreen], frame_MQTT[LeftBlue], brightness);
// Update the LED strip for both segments
// Introduce a slight delay to control the speed of the effect
effectDone = 1;
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