Mooz 2 - Touch Screen Repair

Mooz 2 - Touch Screen Replacement

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Since i got the printer i heard a strange noise in the touch screen case and i had no idea what it is till i notice on a post that the actual case has a magnet inside that makes it stick on the lower body of the printer.

However my touch screen did not stick as expected so i have decided to investigate and below are steps that you need to follow to open the screen case.

1. Remove the grey screen cover starting from one of the corners and take care no to bend it

Mooz2 Screen Cover

2. Remove the 4 small self tapping screw that you will find under the cover. You will end up with 2 parts: front and back side of the housing.

Mooz2 Screen Magnet

 3. Add some glue on the back side of the housing where the magnet must be fixed

4. Wait for the glue to dry and follow the steps in revers order


Since i open the scree i have find out the the screen the Mooz is using is a TJC4832T035_011


Mooz2 Screen Top

Mooz2 Screen Back

I don't know how much you have to pay for a replacement part from Mooz but the screen can be bought from Aliexpress, they have a good price fo 11.11 sale of just 12 USD with free shipping.

I guess that the only question to be answered is we can upload the Mooz firmware on this screen (i guess it is).


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